Saturday, December 29, 2012

Do What Is Right

With the debt ceiling limit and the supposed “fiscal cliff” approaching, this is one of those times when I wish I could meet with President Obama and say “dude, what are you doing?”  I think a piece of the President’s legacy is at stake in these negotiations, and at issue is whether this President wants to become the man who initiated the end of Social Security as we know it.  Perhaps that last statement is a bit melodramatic, but I honestly believe that once the door to reducing Social Security benefits is opened, it will never be closed again.  It will only get worse, and eventually the whole fund will be privatized thus ending one of the greatest social achievements of 20th century America.

Earlier today, I read some leadership quotes from the late Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and one of them was “Do what is right, not what you think the high headquarters wants or what you think will make you look good.”  Is cutting Social Security the right thing to do?  If it is, I’d like to hear the rationale for that.  Obviously, I don’t think it is right and it appears to me that Mr. Obama is including it in the negotiations as an enticement for Republican support.  He’s valuing making a deal over doing the right thing.  That’s the only way I can explain his obsession with bi-partisanship in negotiations during his first term in office.

At the same time, the President has been skillful in creating a schism in the Republican Party over raising taxes on the wealthy, and that’s something for which he should be lauded.  The question remains though, does a cut in Social Security really need to be part of the deal when it has nothing to do with reducing the deficit?

Back to the leadership quotes from General Schwarzkopf - my sense is that Conservatives will love these quotes, but somehow find a way of ignoring them in their everyday lives.  Take the quote I referred to earlier in which Schwarzkopf said “do what is right.”  How can you justify selfishness and greed as being the right thing to do?  They speak of deficit reduction, but have no interest in taking any meaningful action on it.  If they actually cared about this country, they would invest in its success rather than divesting in its people.  How can improving our infrastructure, roads, high-speed rail, etc. be the wrong thing to do?

I do hope that we are coming into a period in which there is recognition that the Republican Party is bankrupt of ideas, both practical and moral.  Continued exposure on this front needs to occur, yet they are still dangerous.  Republicans control the US House of Representatives and thanks to gerrymandering across the country, may do so for some time.  However, this is not a time to make concessions to irrational shrills for the profit obsessed wealthy.  They’re not interested in making things better, they are only interested in staying in power.  So my request of the President is to expose their fraudulent philosophy, and in the words of General Schwarzkopf, do what is right.  Please.

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