Friday, October 26, 2012

Two Questions to Help the Undecided Voter

While there are many complex and nuanced issues to consider in this election, I think there are two simple questions that can assist voters in selecting a Presidential candidate on Election Day.
  1. Is money the most important thing in your life?
  2. Do you make more than $200,000 per year?
If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then Mitt Romney is your man.  Feel good about casting that ballot for him and enjoying lower taxes for the next 4 years, while the rest of the country continues to descend in to despair.  If you didn't answer "yes" to both questions, but are leaning toward Mr. Romney, then you are in all likelihood voting against your own interests.  Romney's policies only benefit people who answer "yes" to the above questions.

One caveat on the above - an Obama victory in November will very likely result in a "Grand Bargain" on Social Security and Medicate in 2013.  This is disturbing.  Ironically, a Romney victory might actually save Social Security and Medicare from cuts since Democrats would likely not cooperate with the Republicans effort to cut these earned benefits programs.

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