Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform and the Big Picture

While it looks like Health Care Reform may be passed today, it’s important to understand that this bill is only the first step in improving this situation in the United States. The bill is by no means perfect, and the politics around it have been absolutely vicious, but it is an important event in our history because it bucks the trend of privatization and corporatism that conservatives have been pushing since Ronald Reagan. Doing something for the common good is not evil, regardless of what the lunatic fringe at Fox Propaganda may be broadcasting 24/7.

So the real work is now just beginning. Democrats and Progressives must remain strong as opponents of HCR will become more and more vicious in their attacks, saying anything to derail this initiative. This is a fight for the hearts and minds of Americans as privatization and corporatism have been disastrous for this country. This is an opportunity to prove that a government can be beneficial in the lives of its citizens. This is an opportunity to reverse the brainwashing that has many Americans thinking it’s acceptable to spit on members of Congress and verbally attack 11 year old children. This is an opportunity to stand up and say that unfettered greed is not good.

If we are to compete with the likes of China in the 21st century, we must come together as a team, as a society. Today, we are too fractured and we can’t get anything done because we aren’t focused on the work we need to do to make our lives better. Our government is distracted by unproductive wars. Our people are apathetic and ignorant of our dire circumstances. America is on the decline, yet we don’t know it. Perhaps I’m attaching a bit more importance to this Health Care bill than most, but I think it’s the first rung on a ladder out of a huge hole that’s been dug in the last 30 years. Let’s see how far up the ladder we can get in the next 5 years.